Linnvale is a relatively tidy area which is well maintained and is kept clean by the majority of its residents. However that is not to say that we are without any issues.
Dog mess and litter are still a problem particularly in way of Strauss Park and along the canal banks. There has been upsurge in dog owners going to the effort of picking up their dogs mess in a bag but then leaving the bag on the ground for someone else to tidy up. We urge those owners to start considering others and take their bag to the nearest bin, although we do appreciate there are currently only two. Regardless, there is no excuse for not doing this.
Continuous efforts have been made by the residents of Strauss Ave to pressurise WDC to place more desperately needed bins in the area, but as it stands they have only placed one at the entrance/exit onto the A82 to add to the existing one at the canal bridge.
Linking into our plans for Strauss Park we will continue to pressure WDC to provide more adequate facilities and encourage dog owners to do the right thing.
With regards littering we would like to send out a special thank you to Clydebank Sea Cadets for doing a litter pick along the banks of the canal at the tail end of 2020. Your efforts were greatly appreciated!