9th June 2023
Linnvale Primary Pocket Garden Digital Showcase 2023

Our garden celebrates Scotland being a welcoming and safe place for people leaving the threat of war to live. Our school was fortunate to receive many children from the first flight of Syrian refugees, this has transformed our school as our pupils and parents welcomed our new families, and our new families soon became involved in school life by joining family cooking classes as well as helping with our school gardens.
This subject was poignant to our entrant Eela as her family left their home in Kurdistan and moved away in order to stay safe.
They arrived in Scotland in 2016 from Erbil and settled in Clydebank. As the theme was ‘celebration’, Eela wanted to celebrate the chance of happiness and safety that her family got when they moved here.
Eela’s garden design incorporates two old suitcases, which represent them packing up their lives. The cases were going to be thrown out, but instead the children punctured holes in the base of the them for drainage and then they filled them with peat free compost and some of the compost from the school compost heap! They surrounded the pallet with wood from a pallet which they sawed up and screwed together to make a frame and they used part of a piece of conservatory roofing for the clapperboard backdrop. We had help constructing that piece of the design from the staff and pupils at Choices School in Balloch who have a fantastic workshop and had offered their help in February to our school and we were glad of their help and expertise!
In the cases, we planted edible herbs and plants such as chives, thyme, parsley, rosemary, sage, nasturtium, basil and pansies! The chives self-seeded from last year’s Pocket Garden entry and one of the thyme was from that too. Sadly, our basil has not germinated. We have also planted marigolds (which were grown from seed), lithodora (another plant salvaged and saved from last year), antirrhinum, lavender, a dahlia, a sunflower grown from seed and a honeysuckle (which was gifted to us by one of the teachers.) A parent donated the antirrhinums, lavender and dahlia.