Neighbourhood Watch

We will keep the incident tracker up to date with the help from our members information

Explanation of what we are doing

Linnvale is a close-knit community and we believe as a consequence of that crime in the area has always been relatively low. However just because crime is low it doesn’t mean that we should rest on our laurels or even allow the existing bad eggs to dictate how the rest of us should live our lives. Thus we plan to set up a simplistic Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in which we can embrace technology to make us all feel just that little bit safer. Who knows we might even be able to get reductions on our house and car insurance if we get enough people to sign up to it and create a network of like-minded residents.

For too long the minority (and it is a very small minority) have been allowed to commit low-level crime in the area with the majority being scared to phone the police as they don’t want to be the ones who stick their neck out. Standing together as an organised Neighbourhood Watch we can collectively support anyone and everyone who stands up for what is right and against what we all know is unacceptable behaviour. Its cliche and somewhat corny but together we really are stronger.

Using a mixture of email, paper newsletters and restoring the good old fashioned neighbour to neighbour conversation we want to reinstate that sense of community where people are no longer scared to contact the police if something should happen.

The organisers/administrators of the scheme will constantly liaise with local community police and keep them informed of any crime trends that appear to be occurring in the area. This in theory will help the police to be proactive, not reactive, as prevention is always better than cure.

What do I do to become a member?

It really is very simple,
just follow the steps.

Sign up to Linnvale Neighbourhood Watch

Sign up to the scheme on our sign up page remembering to pick your prefered alert method(s)

Sign up to the nationwide NW (Optional)

Sign up to the nationwide Neighbourhood Watch Scotland scheme (see detail below) if you also wish nationwide alerts.


If you are unfortunately affected by crime, please in the first instance contact the police, but secondly, fill in our incident form to let us know what happened.​


We do the rest by sending out email alerts to the community (all alerts will be anonymous with your name and address removed from the message)


Read your alerts and respond accordingly if need be. let others know about any alerts your receive, the more people who are aware of what has been happening around the area the better.


Finally, please talk to your neighbours especially those who need just that little bit more protection, let them know about the scheme and encourage others to join


Once we receive your details we will post a Neighbourhood Watch pack through your door which will include the following

  • Information booklet
  • “Neighbourhood Watch Member” sticker for your front door or window (completely up to you if you want to use it)

We will keep you informed if anything happens locally in the area via our alert system, and if you have signed up for the national scheme you will receive national alerts from them.

As mentioned previously if anything happens to you, your property or even the area in general (even if it’s just a near-miss) please report it via our incident form


You can receive alerts in four different ways, all are completely optional

  • Email – you will be added to our mailing list and will receive alerts when appropriate
  • For those without internet access, our paper newsletter will provide general updates
  • You can manually check the tracker spreadsheet at your own convenience

We have directly linked to the umbrella organisation Neighbourhood Watch Scotland and we encourage you to sign up to their national alerts as well as ours. The two alerts systems (NWS and NWL) will provide you with different levels of information both of which could be invaluable to you. To find out more and to sign up for the national alerts go to the following webpage


It should be noted that all crimes should always be reported to the Police in the first incidence. The neighbourhood watch scheme is not intended to replace that process in any way shape or form and we will not contact the Police on your behalf (although we will engage with the community police officers on a regular basis). The scheme we have is a secondary process designed only to keep the community informed.